Danish tool

Danish Tool is a manufacturer of tungsten carbide tipped tools for the construction, garden, marine and metal/fiberglass repair industries.
The production of the tools is done on the factory in Denmark where also most development and test work is performed. The primarily expertise in the company is the brazing of tungsten carbide onto different types of cutting tools.
The standard program consists on masonry cutting saw blades (both reciprocating saw blades and handsaws), a tuck-pointing system and cutting/trimming discs for small angle grinders. As sub-contracting work we are brazing handsaws, reciprocating saw blades, band saw blades and mini gang saw blades for other tools manufactures. When developing a new tool, it’s often our customers that present us with a problem, which we then try to help solve either by designing a new tool or by modifying some of our other tools.
We do some minor testing of new products in the factory but often we sent out the tools to our customers as they have the direct contact with the end-users, thereby placing the tool in a realistic work situation. Normally, when we develop a new tool, it takes one to two years from start to finish and we annually present around tree new products.
danish tool applications construction, garden
The fact that our tools are specially designed and developed makes it necessary for us to also develop our own production equipment in order to keep the production optimized.
• Reciprocating saw blades for cutting in stone.
• Reciprocating saw blades for metal and plastics.
• Reciprocating saw blades for wood and garden work.
• Masonry handsaws.
• Band saw blades for cutting in bricks and blocks.
• Mortar raking equipment.
• Trimming discs/tools for working in all types of wood as well as aluminum, fiber glass and other plastics.
All the products feature tungsten carbide for increasing the wear resistance and lifetime of the tool.
EFFICIENT AND COST EFFECTIVE - Carbide tipped tools are more efficient and cost effective compared to high speed tools because they retain their cutting edge hardness at high machining temperatures which are generated by high cutting speeds.
HIGH RESISTANCE/LONGER LIFE - Carbide tools have a longer working life because they have higher resistance to wear .
BETTER SURFACE FINISH QUALITY - When you use carbide tools, you can achieve a better surface finish quality .
MORE DURABLE/MORE COST EFFECTIVE - Carbide tipped tools are more cost effective than solid carbide because they are more durable. Solid carbide tools tend to crack if there are hard spots in the work piece being machined. On the other hand, in carbide tipped tools, tough tool steel body can prevent fractures that would normally occur on solid carbide tools.
HIGHER QUALITY/LESS EXPENSIVE - Carbide tipped tools are less expensive in comparison to solid carbide. This is because although carbide tipped tools use higher quality and more expensive carbide, it is only the cutting edge which is carbide, and less costly tough steel is used in the shank. This means that the overall cost is usually substantially less than solid carbide tools.